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Massage therapy is a therapeutic practice involving the manipulation of the body's soft tissues, such as muscles and skin, to promote relaxation, relieve muscular tension, improve circulation and bring about general well-being. What we aim to achieve with Bien-Être massages is your state of mind and overall well-being.

Body massage

Massage therapists use a variety of techniques, such as pressure, kneading and stretching, to help reduce stress, relieve pain and encourage relaxation.

This practice can be used for wellness purposes or simply to relax and recharge.

Frequently asked questions

Why have a massage therapy session?  


A massage therapy session can be beneficial for a number of reasons. It can help relieve muscle tension and pain, improve circulation, reduce stress and anxiety, promote mental and physical relaxation, and stimulate the lymphatic system. Massage therapy can also help improve joint mobility, strengthen the immune system and promote better sleep. In short, massage therapy sessions offer a moment of well-being and relaxation, with positive effects on both physical and mental health...


What are the contraindications?


Some common contraindications for massage therapy include fever, infection, contagious skin problems, recent fractures, acute injuries, thrombosis, unstable medical conditions such as severe heart problems, and certain specific medical conditions. It is essential to discuss your medical condition with a healthcare professional or massage therapist before receiving a massage to determine if it is safe and appropriate in your case.



Bien-Être 60 minutes ---------------95$ *



Well-being 90 minutes $00140 *



* there is no insurance receipt with treatments

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