Cautions and warnings
Active acne, rosacea or other inflammatory diseases cannot be treated. A patient with piercings in the treatment area or wounds will not be treated.
Discontinue treatment of autoimmune diseases or retinoids (Retin-A) and/or any form of skin treatment 24 hours before treatment, under medical supervision.
Do not use this treatment for 6 months following a course of isotretinoin (Accutane).
Patients with facial outbreaks such as herpes simplex virus should be treated according to their doctor's instructions.
Stop taking medication affecting skin characteristics for two months prior to treatment. Patients taking medication affecting skin characteristics should discontinue it for two months prior to treatment, under medical supervision.
Patients should avoid sweat-inducing exercise and sun exposure for 72 hours after the procedure.
Patients may experience redness for one to three days, and may experience inflammation, itching or burning.
On skin types V-VI on the Fitzpatrick scale, the pigment may darken before lightening.
Treatment is not possible if:
You have had a facelift or eyelid surgery in the past year, or dermabrasion, reshaping, deep chemical exfoliation or surgery on the treatment area in the past 3 months.
You suffer from metal or skin allergies.
You have undergone injections of Botox, collagen, fat or other augmentation methods with materials injected into the treatment area within the previous 6 months.
You have excessive tanning or sunburn, tanning beds or tanning creams within the previous 2 weeks.